Whew! It's Christmas Eve and we are finally done setting everything up for the morning festivities. Now I have a few minutes to write about making a "Jessica Purse" for my wonderful friend named "M".
The first time that I met "M" she saw me walking into church with a bag of food for a food drive that we were having. Not only did she run over to me to help me carry it and tell me where it needed to go but she was so warm and friendly that I couldn't resist her offer to go to a meeting that got me involved serving on our ministry to the poor (St. Vincent de Paul) and that service has truly changed my life. She NEVER stops giving, stops supporting or stops caring- she has more energy than I do in my pinkie finger- she's incredible!! Oh yeah- and she is beautiful on top of it all.
A week before the St. Tim's show she and her husband came over to our house for a party. I had all of my purses and other items "staged" for planning my booth and I loved getting feedback from my guests. "M's" super sweet husband ("R") pulled me to the side and asked me to make a purse for her that he had seen her eyeing down. He even paid attention to what fabric she liked and will be surprising her with her custom purse for Christmas. How amazing that he was attentive enough to order one JUST for her as a surprise!?? "R"- you are my #2 incredible husband of the year for 2009!!!!- sorry, #1 is taken for my own husband just in case he ever reads my blog!
"R" and "M"- thank you for being such a source of inspiration for me and for your ever flowing kindness!! I cannot wait to hear how you feel about your purse "M".
This is my Jessica bag- they cost $45.