Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sick kids and tons of time to do awesome art projects

I have several items that I am behind on posting- our entire family has been sick since before Christmas with various illnesses and they just keep coming!!
In a selfish way- I have to say the time at home without being able to leave the house has been WONDERFUL! Especially since it is freezing outside so the only thing my kids can do is play board games, puzzles and art projects with me!
This is a really basic project but it was so beautiful I had to take a picture. Just dye various pasta and teach your little ones along the way about mixing and making colors. After that, we would string for a necklace and created little sculptures by gluing it all together. We were even fascinated by our leftover gorgeous colored pasta when we put it in a bag before it was dry and mold grew on it was STILL beautiful!
What cracked me up is after I took a picture my 4 year old grabbed the camera and took his own close up (his pic is on top). He writes books for his reading teacher so he is currently very into taking his own pictures for his books. I was even scolded recently when I got his pics printed out for him because I didn't print the "black ones" that he took- I obviously thought they were mistakes but I was corrected!! It quickly reminded me to let my kids be the judge of what is part of their creative process or not- that's easier said than done sometimes :).

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