This isn't a bag that I made to sell (although it is for sale of course! ;))- it's a gift. I'll tell you the story behind it because it's so wonderful!
The first time I met Gail was at the St. Tim's craft show that I did about a year and a half ago. She is a close friend of my youngest son's godmother, Pam. I
loooooove Pam!!! Pam and Gail sat with me all day. They chatted, helped me with the kids, kept me company and helped my nervousness- their presence was great.
Gail lives just down the street from me so I've ran into her at the pool and visited with her again at some of Pam's parties.
One night back in January my husband had surprised me with much awaited tickets to George Strait. My taste in music runs the
gamut but George is heaven to me. Peaceful. Pure. Reminds me of growing up in San Antonio and reminds me of starting our family. I've been dying to see him for the past few years.
So, finally, we have a date night and we are going to see George. But George came with Reba and Reba sure sang for a long time! The night cost us almost $400 between tickets and our sitter and parking, etc. etc. I thought we would get back in time for my sitter to still drive home before curfew (she is 16 so can't be on the road after a certain time) but I turned out to be WAY off. George wasn't even on stage by the time she needed to head home so I swallowed hard (then swallowed more of my beer) and decided to leave. Money lost but I still got a date with my husband!
Pam was at the concert too and she promptly called Gail (remember that Gail lives on my street). By this time it is close to 11pm. Gail didn't hesitate. She got up, came up to my house, relieved my sweet babysitter and stayed with my children, reading her Nook, while they slept until past one in the morning.
We were able to watch almost the entire performance....sweet, simple and absolutely freaking awesome.
I don't know that many people who would leave their homes late at night to help someone they hardly know! It will always be an example to me!
Gail- I would make you a
gazillion purses for how darn sweet it was of you to help us out!!
Gail's messenger bag is 9X9X1. The flap closes with a magnetic snap. Inside is a cozy, padded spot built just for a Nook like Gail's.